संस्थेची उद्दिष्टे
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58 व्या वार्षिक सर्वसाधारण सभेचे इतिवृत्त CC No. – Membership No. list Audio/Video conferencing link for 59th AGM of Society “अधिष्ठान” विद्यार्थी गुणगौरव – अर्ज स्वीकारण्याची मुदतवाढ माननीय भागधारक सभासदांस लाभांश व सभासद वर्गणी वरील व्याज वाटपाची मंजुरी देणेबाबत To sanction loan by accepting online applications during lockdown period Investment circular Notice inviting quotation from established recruitment agencies for recruitment of staff Regarding to full/part Payment of loans and investments in the period of lockdown due to COVID-19 To provide Emergency Loan, Ordinary Loan & Special Loan forms to members at free of cost and increase the felicitation amount Application for Transfer of BARC Society Dividend to Bank Account Sabhasad Bhavishya Nidhi FD for 3 Years interest rate 7.00% FD for 2 Years interest rate 7.50% FD for 1 Year interest rate 8.00% Criteria for loan PARMANU SCHEME – Rs. 560/- per month for 72 months to get Rs.50,000/- (w.e.f. Dec.2016) LAKHPATI SCHEME -Rs.1120/- per month for 72 months to get Rs.1,00,000/- (w.e.f. Dec.2016) The Bhabha Atomic Research Centre Employees Co-Operative Credit Society is an ISO 9001:2015 certified Society. Closure of transactions due to financial year end |

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